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Answers to common child support questions

Texas child support laws provide financial support for children when parents divorce or do not marry. Either parent can request child support services online, whether he or she needs to find the other parent, establish paternity, or create or enforce a child support order.

These are the answers to questions parents frequently ask about child support in Texas.

How does the state calculate support?

Texas uses the noncustodial parent’s net monthly income to calculate support. This parent spends less time with the child but may have significant visitation.

The court generally orders a child support payment to the custodial parent of 20% of the other parent’s net income for one child. State guidelines add 5% to each additional child to a maximum of 40%.

Do we have to go to court?

Often, parents independently agree on a child support arrangement that makes sense for both parties. In this case, you can submit this agreement to the family court judge, who will create a legally binding child support order.

The court will schedule a hearing when parents cannot reach an agreement about child support outside of court. The judge will review their financial circumstances and create an appropriate support order.

What happens during the child support process?

After either parent applies for child support services, the Texas Child Support Division will hold a meeting with both parents to review their case. They will meet with a child support officer who can advise them about the state child support guidelines and assist with negotiation.

Once the judge approves the child support order, the custodial parent will begin receiving monthly payments. Support continues until the child reaches age 18 or finishes high school.